A street, a world! Spaccanapoli crosses the old city heart with its thousand-year-old history and its distinctive“body”: line, grove, split characterizing this part of the city outline.
If you look for “Spaccanapoli street” on a map or in your mobile you will never find it: this is the folkloristic name of a street long about four kilometres (about 2,5 miles) and each kilometre takes an official name.
If you across Benedetto Croce street and S. Biagio dei Librai street you can be sure you are in the heart of it!
Deep inside Spaccanapoli, at a depth of about 15-20 metres (about 50 feet), it still exists the ancient lay-out: yes, because Spaccanapoli is an ancient Roman decumanus, that is a street built parallel to the sea and intersected by several smaller perpendicular streets: a grid, a chess-board where you can dive into the colors, the history, the voices of the town.
Take time for enjoying it, because you can find a lot of attractions: shops, history corners, flavours.
It is like a fan opening on the many sides of Naples!
And if you would actually see how it “splits” Naples, the best to do is to reach Vomero Hill, by cable car or by underground, and lean out of the open air terrace in Piazzale S. Martino or, next to this, go to the terrace of S. Elmo Castle to enjoy one of the most complete view of Naples and of its Bay!

Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, via Benedetto Croce, Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, Piazzetta Nilo, Largo Corpo di Napoli, via San Biagio dei Librai, via Giudecca Vecchia, Via Tupputi, Forcella.

Vomero Hill

S. Elmo Castle
Vomero Hill
Via Tito Angelini, 20A

Certosa of San Martino
Vomero Hill
Largo San Martino, 1