Neapolitan Pizza
The most common and direct association between Naples and its food!
Although our local cooking is extremely various, pizza is the queen of not only special occasions, because it is the quickest and most chosen fast food we almost daily get and, in most of the cases, we eat it just standing or walking!
“Pizza a portafoglio” , that is the “wallet” pizza: served folded by the pizza maker in order to have the sensation of eating it easily standing by the counter (absolutely not true: pay attention to the delicious olive oil dropping from it!).
A thin, soft (never crusty, that’s not Neapolitan!) dough, this is the most identifying characteristic of the local pizza and three of them are the most traditional you cannot miss:
- The super famous, and the youngest of all, Margherita, a tribute to the Italian flag after the Unification of Italy.
- The less known Marinara: one of the “poorest”, with just tomato sauce and a combination of oregano and garlic, what was a delicious illusion for poor people to eat something remembering seafood flavours.
- The most unknown (and my favourite!) fried pizza, a fried calzone stuffed with lots of delights: ricotta cheese, little tomato, mozzarella and chopped pork meat… absolutely unmissable!
Fried pizza was a traditional “breakfast” to be bought in the streets: I remember how many times I got a just fried one before getting school!!! And it is still a Christmas tradition: at lunch, on Christmas’ Eve, the must is to buy one just fried by generally aged ladies in their houses, in order to actually celebrate the official “opening” of some of the local greediest days of the year!
… last tip: if you are looking for a, so called in the rest of Italy, “Napoletana”, please remember that in Napoli it does not… exist!!! For us it is the “Romana” (something like Rome pizza) and it is a Marinara with anchovies and, sometimes, black olives!

maestro ombrellaio dal 1860
Punto vendita: Via Toledo, 329
Laboratorio: Vico Due Porte a Toledo 4/B
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