Does it ever rain in Naples?
“Chiste è ‘o paese do sole” says a famous Neapolitan song written in 1925 by Libero Bovio and Vincenzo D’ Annibale, while Pino Daniele replies with “Schizzechea with love” 63 years later (“Schizzechéa in Neapolitan dialect means “to drizzle”).
“Chiste è ‘o paese do sole” says a famous Neapolitan song written in 1925 by Libero Bovio and Vincenzo D’ Annibale, while Pino Daniele replies with “Schizzechea with love” 63 years later (Schizzechéa in Neapolitan dialect means “to drizzle”).
Oh, yes, it does rain! Often at night, much rainier can be November, between January and February temperatures become unbearable for us (6/7 C… brrr!).
February 2018 was even snowy (2 days) but you can enjoy some little snow every winter upon Mount Vesuvius crater!
Anyway, in case some rain should surprise you I have two suggestions:
if you are in the old city enjoy a walk under the (unusual for a Southern Italy town) portico of Prince of Constantinople building to get stunned by the chaotic and colourful market, several pizzerias (tasty, less tasty, old, new, more or less traditional and do not miss the sight on some of the most narrow streets or, if you are in Toledo Street, that is the best moment to discover the umbrellas Master Talarico, whose production dates back to 1860.
Now at the fourth generation, the quality of their products is actually high level: old style umbrellas, parasols, canes still made by using horn, bamboo, lemon wood… but even something more modern like small and resistent umbrellas whose handles are a celebration of the town: S. Gennaro, the Red Horn, Maradona… to remember Naples in a new and original way when it rains a little bit often than here!

maestro ombrellaio dal 1860
On sale: Via Toledo, 329
Laboratory: Vico Due Porte a Toledo 4/B